王子路(Prince)毕业于乌克兰国立艺术与建筑学院自由版画专业。5年 的基础训练,使其自然地将对于光影的把握、线条的造型和色彩的搭配 等艺术技巧映射到摄影中。
从业10年至今,王子路已经形成独特的摄影风格,尤其表现在建筑空间题 材,对于旅游地理、餐饮、人物等摄影题材也均有广泛涉及。不刻意营 造氛围,而是利用光线及其他自然细节来“组织”画面,获得自然、 平衡、精致的视觉作品。
媒体: 《嘉人》、《Cosmo》、《ELLE》、《Cityweekend》、《伊周》、 《旅游情报》、《携程自由行》、ShanghaiWOW!、iWeekly……
地产: 上海绿城玫瑰园、万科公望、新天地翠湖、上海佘山华庭高尔夫、 香溢花城、昆山象屿龙庭……
酒店: 外滩华尔道夫、半岛酒店、香格里拉大酒店、丽思卡尔顿酒店、 世茂皇家艾美酒店、新天地朗廷酒店、外滩悦榕庄、威斯汀酒店、 金茂君悦大酒店、柏悦酒店、上海安达仕酒店……
餐饮: 8 1/2 Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA、莫尔顿牛排坊、T8、The Kitchen Salvatore Cuomo、茹丝葵牛排馆、Shook!、New Heights、 辉哥海鲜火锅、Shanghai Rose、Bar Rouge、洋房火锅、外滩游艇会、 C Gourmet、Brotzeit、Va Bene、Kathleen’s Waitan……
About Prince
The pursuit of perfection and balance is the theme of Prince’s works. After studying for 5 years in Ukraine National College of Art & Architecture, Prince is now absolutely skillful in the grasp of light and shadow, the shape of contour, and the matching of colors.
You can find a lot of beautiful works of travel, food & beverage, people and events etc, while inner-space is the subject Prince is most good at. Whether in theme of hotels, restaurants or sample houses, any particular styles can be expressed through the clever organization of details. Like impressionists, Prince makes his works reveal an experimental spirit.
Lets Get in Touch
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart.
My Contact Information
Email: prince@prvisual.com
Mobile: +86 15102119773
Wechat: prince233
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